
Signs My Mercedes’ Oil Filter Is Clogged

Bring your Mercedes-Benz to MMS Automotive right away if it is doing any of the following things. These things are signs that your Mercedes has a clogged oil filter in the engine. This can be extremely damaging to the engine. In fact, if left unchecked, you could damage your engine beyond repair.

Sputtering Performance

Mercedes most likely recommends that you use synthetic motor oil in the engine. As such, the oil changes aren’t necessary until every 7,500 miles to 10,000 miles. It’s crucial that you get the oil changed at this time, however, because failing to do so will leave a dirty oil filter in the engine. Consequently, this will affect the Mercedes’ engine performance because the moving parts are being damaged by the dirty motor oil. An oil change is quick, affordable, and crucial to the health of your Mercedes’ engine.

Rotten Fuel Economy

Unfortunately, as the European automobile struggles to run, it will use up more fuel than it normally would if it were running efficiently. As such, you will end up with poor fuel economy in your Mercedes. This can be extremely frustrating with gas prices what they are in California.

Reduction in Oil Pressure

Another thing that will happen if the oil filter is clogged is the oil pressure in the engine will be reduced significantly. This can cause problems with circulating the oil through the engine. Normally, the Mercedes will alert you that there is an oil problem by illuminating the oil light on the dashboard. If this light comes on, head straight to our shop. There is either an oil pressure problem or the oil level in the engine is too low. It may also be time for an oil change.

Strange Metallic Noises

We mentioned above that a clogged oil filter can damage your Mercedes’ engine. How it does this is by preventing the oil from circulating through the engine. When this happens, you will hear metallic noises in your Mercedes’ engine. If you continue to drive the automobile while the engine is making these noises, you could cause irreparable damage in less than 30 minutes.

Excessive Hydrocarbons

Finally, regular oil changes help to keep excess hydrocarbons out of the exhaust of your Mercedes-Benz so that it always passes a smog check when it has to take one. If you haven’t had your oil changed in a long time and you have a smog check coming up, get the oil changed right away.

MMS Automotive in South Bay, CA, can handle all of your Mercedes service and repair needs. Call us today to schedule an oil change for your Mercedes.

Photo by chiewr from getty images via Canva Pro

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